

The Carson-Newman DNP program provides you with the mentorship and tools you need to successfully lead change through courses focused on translating evidence for interprofessional practice, 质量改进, 卫生政策, 复杂系统领导, 和更多的. 你准备好扩展你的知识和增加你的影响力了吗?   马上申请!


Carson-Newman University is pleased to announce its upcoming on-site evaluation of the 学士学位 degree in nursing, master’s degree in nursing and post-graduate FNP certificate program by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). 评估定于2023年11月1日至3日进行. 在参观校园之前, 护理部邀请所有利益相关者向CCNE提交意见. 意见应于10月10日前提交. 2023年11月11日,并被定向到 感谢您的参与和支持.


  • 33学时
  • 5 continuous semesters with new cohorts starting each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • Fully online (with the exception of the first class, including a 2-day on-campus seminar)


A graduate degree is an investment in your future, and we want to equip you to succeed.

• As a graduate student at Carson-Newman you’ll receive a program tailored to support and meet the needs of busy healthcare professionals.

• A proven program with high evaluation scores, equipping you to take the next step in your career.



我们的无息付款计划有助于降低前期成本. Enrolling in a payment plan allows you to make monthly payments on your direct charges instead of paying your full balance before classes start.

Our Office of 金融援助 is available to guide you through the many options available to DNP students at Carson-Newman.


DNP将在5个学期(秋季、春季、夏季)内完成。. Course will be offered on a rotational schedule with admission available each semester.


一个向学生介绍卡森-纽曼的校园研讨会, 护理系, 围绕民主党的历史和当前问题, 和DNP计划的要求和期望.

Focuses on the application of biostatistics and epidemiology to the 收集ing and interpreting of data related to disease incidence and prevalence, 分析社会决定因素的影响, and developing effective intervention and prevention strategies for diverse populations.

Students will investigate and critique theories from nursing and other disciplines as they critically appraise literature and evaluate the quality of evidence in research. 这些信息将被转化为实践,以改善医疗保健结果.

Students will use knowledge from previous and concurrent courses to develop a DNP project proposal that addresses a practice, 过程, 或影响健康结果的系统问题.

Examines principles of economics and resource management in the development and evaluation of healthcare projects and programs.

探索质量改进的理论和过程, 安全分析工具, 以及基于证据的实践资源.

提供实施学生提出的DNP项目的框架. 学生将完成他们的项目, 收集, 并分析数据,为DNP项目报告做准备.

分析影响医疗保健政策的因素, 培养能够胜任参与政策制定过程的技能, and apply advocacy and persuasion strategies to transform healthcare to  equitably  meet the needs of diverse populations.

Students will analyze organizational 过程es and assess barriers and facilitators to change. 重点将包括交付质量的领导原则, 具有成本效益的护理和改进系统,同时考虑政策, 文化, 业务的现实, 和可持续性.

Students will demonstrate mastery of the DNP Student Learning Outcomes through their DNP portfolio, DNP项目的书面报告和辩护, 以及DNP项目的传播.

Focuses on the utilization and evaluation of information systems and 技术 to improve access to quality care, 关心结果, 和交流,同时产生新的证据.


To apply for the Carson-Newman Doctor of Nursing Practice program, please follow these steps:

除了 一般入学要求 for all C-N graduate programs, applicants to the DNP program must meet these minimum qualifications:

  • NLN或CCNE认可的四年制护理学士学位.
  • 从国家认可的项目(CCNE)获得的硕士学位或硕士后学位, NLN, 我看, ACME)高级执业护士(执业护士), 护士麻醉师, 护士助产士, 或临床专科护士)具有当前高级执业证书.
  • 以前所有大专课程的正式成绩单.
  • 总平均成绩不低于3分.获得研究生学位需要100美元.
  • Current unencumbered active registered nurse license and advanced practice registered nurse license.
  • 简历或简历.
  • 三(3)推荐:(在线推荐申请表)
  • 提交一篇文章:
    • Communicates your professional goals, incorporating how the DNP will help you obtain these goals.
    • Explains how you plan to integrate the rigors of full-time doctoral study into your current situation, recognizing a doctorate degree in nursing typically requires a minimum commitment of 25-30 hours per week. 
    • 是2-3页,11或12号字体,双倍行距.

Applicants accepted to the program must complete the following with instruction and counsel provided by 护理系.

  • 直接提交给卡森-纽曼的背景记录调查. 不接受第二方背景调查
  • 在DNP介绍研讨会第一天之前进行药物筛选.
  • 根据临床情况,可能需要额外的要求. 



1. 完成DNP课程的全部33个学分,同时保持GPA为3.在课程开始的五年内达到或超过0.

2. 完成1,000 hours or more of post-学士学位 supervised academic program practice hours with a minimum of 400 hours completed at Carson-Newman University during the DNP program.

3. Recommendation of the student’s DNP Project Committee for graduation after the successful completion and dissemination of the DNP Project.




  • 阿肯色州
  • 科罗拉多州
  • 康涅狄格
  • 特拉华州
  • 佛罗里达
  • 印第安纳州
  • 肯塔基州
  • 缅因州
  • 密歇根
  • 密西西比州
  • 蒙大拿
  • 内华达
  • 新汉普郡
  • 新墨西哥
  • 北卡罗莱纳
  • 俄亥俄州
  • 俄克拉何马州
  • 宾西法尼亚
  • 南卡罗来纳
  • 田纳西州
  • 德州
  • 佛蒙特州
  • 维吉尼亚州
  • 西维吉尼亚州
  • 威斯康辛州



护理实践博士(DNP)是护理专业的博士学位. This specialized degree focuses on advanced clinical practice and prepares graduates for the highest leadership level in nursing. 该计划强调循证实践, 卫生政策, 技术, 质量改进, 以及系统领导力. DNP programs are designed to equip nurses with the knowledge to become successful nurse leaders and have improved patient outcomes.


一个DNP准备护士从业人员的高级实践角色. 用DNP, you can become a leader in the nursing field by developing and implementing healthcare initiatives, 指导新的最佳实践, 为病人提供专业护理. You will also be able to lead teams of medical professionals in delivering the highest level of patient care. 你可以专攻家庭护理等领域, 精神科心理健康执业护士, 老年护理从业人员, 或者新生儿护理从业人员. You may also work as an educator, informatics specialist, or consultant within the nursing field. 在护理领导的世界里,你有很多选择去追求DNP.


护理实践博士学位对经验丰富的护士来说是一个很好的机会, 因为它可以通过更高的薪水影响一个人的职业生涯, 更好的工作机会, 从上司和同事那里得到更多的尊重. A DNP may also provide access to teaching and research opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise be available. 随着当前行业对循证护理实践的重视, 从DNP项目中获得的知识也可以改善患者的预后. 最终, 对于那些在临床护理环境中寻求加强领导作用的人, DNP当然是值得的.





C-N的研究生也可能有资格获得联邦和州财政援助. 学生贷款可以推迟到课程完成后支付.


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